
Showing posts from May, 2023

IELTS test in Turkey – April 2023 (Academic Module)

Writing test Writing task 1 (a report) The table below shows the change in the number of people engaged in various physical activities between the years 2001-2009 in Australia (in million people). Summaries the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Writing task 2 (an essay) Once children start school, teachers become a more important influence on children’s intellectual and social development than parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Speaking test Part 1 (Interview) – What is your full name? – What used to make you happy as a child? – When do you feel happy at work? – Does buying new things make you happy? – What will make you happy in the future? – Did you use a library as a child? – What kind of people would go to a library to study and read? – Do you go to the library often now? Part 2 (Cue Card) Talk about a pers

IELTS test in Dubai, UAE – April 2023 (General Training)

Writing Test Writing task 1 (a letter) The government is looking to demolish an old historic building in City Centre. Write a letter to them expressing your dissatisfaction with this plan. In your letter – Say why the building is important – Suggest solutions to preserve the building – Explain the benefits of keeping the building to the city and its residents. Writing task 2 (an essay) Part time courses are on the rise and students are taking them up as an alternative to full time courses. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Speaking Test Part 1 – What is your full name? – Where are you originally from? – Do you work or study? – Where do you work? – Do you like your job? – Are there any areas where you would like your company to change? Part 2 (Cue Card) Talk about a time when you received some good news. You should say – when it happened – how you got the news – wh